
5 benefits of tinting your car! 

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Many people have started to realise that tinted film on vehicles is no longer a wish, but a necessity due to the significant changes in the weather in Malaysia in addition to the criminal cases that often happen to vehicle owners, especially cars. There is no doubt that there are various other suitable options, but the option of installing tinted film is a wise choice if you know.

Vort-X would like to list five benefits of tinted window installation on your vehicle for you to think about and make the best decision.

Prevents fading of vehicle accessories

Your car is a very valuable asset because it helps you move wherever you need to go. Surely you want to ensure that your vehicle can last a long time, regardless of the performance of the engine or the condition of the interior of your vehicle.

The rays of sunlight that enter directly into the interior of the vehicle can have long-term effects such as colour fading and cracks in the leather seats. Alternatives that are commonly used, such as using sunshades on the windscreen and parking in a shady area, can only reduce the damage temporarily.

The use of tinted vehicles is able to solve the problems faced by users. In addition, the tinted film helps you protect the interior from cracking and warping.

Blocks harmful UV rays

Everyone is exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the sun and other non-natural sources. A small amount of radiation is necessary for the production of vitamin D in the human body. However, when exposed to extremes, it will have short-term and long-term adverse effects on our skin, eyes, and immune system, leading to critical diseases such as skin cancer.

A tinted installation on your vehicle can block harmful ultraviolet rays from sunlight up to 99 percent. Tinted films offer UV protection that can block both damaging UVA and UVB rays.

Prevent excessive heat from entering

The heat that enters the vehicle can give a warm feeling to the interior of the vehicle, which can disturb the driver and passengers. An option that can be used is to increase the temperature of the air conditioning in the vehicle, but this option will cause you to use more fuel.

The use of tinted film on vehicles can block heat from entering the vehicle up to 95 percent, depending on the type and grade of tinted film you choose. The air space in the vehicle becomes cooler without using high air conditioning temperatures.

More difficult for the window to break

The characteristics of the use of tinted film that are often seen as normal by the users of your vehicle is the impact when the mirror hits an object. The tinted film is designed to protect the mirror from severe shattering impacts such as small, dangerous glass fragments. The safety layer of the tinted film is able to protect the driver and passengers from the glass fragments in the event of an accident.

In addition, thieves will have difficulty breaking the vehicle’s windshield due to the tinted film that has a security layer so that the glass cannot be broken easily.

Offers better privacy and security

The wide selection of tinted films on the market makes you free to choose your needs and desires for the safety and privacy of your vehicle. There are options that come in lighter, darker shades, percentage of heat that goes into the vehicle and more. Understand all the terms related to IRR, UVR, and others before you choose your tinted film.

The installation of tinted film is not only an accessory, but more for your own privacy and security. No one can see the items inside the vehicle easily or spy on your activities inside the vehicle when your vehicle has a tinted film installed.

With the technology and features of tinted film getting better, these five advantages are not the final advantages you can find when installing tinted film on your vehicle. Choose the best for your vehicle and measure your capabilities.

Vort-X is always open for tinted installation consultations on your vehicle, house, and office. Contact us now!

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